PATH TO URBAN FISCAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RECOVERY: Overcoming the Triple 2020 Pandemic Challenges to Tax Base Growth



PATH TO URBAN FISCAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RECOVERY: Overcoming the Triple 2020 Pandemic Challenges to Tax Base Growth

Fierce Urgency of Now: A Citywide Economic Developers Culture for Tax Base Growth Recovery for All


Three phenomenal pandemics are occurring during the first ten months of 2020 which continue to bring disruptions to cities and their fiscal and economic development growth dynamics.  These three disruptors to the status quo include the coronavirus pandemic, the pandemic-driven recession, and the systemic and institutionalized racial pandemic of inequality, inequity, and injustice. Economic disparities are the underlying foundational conditions for the disproportionate losses which people and communities of color suffer during this particular pandemic, recession but from socioeconomic disparities in general.

However, like the tax base of cities, the negative fiscal and economic disproportionality experienced by people and communities of color began many years and decades ago. This recovery is now forcing us to pursue an inclusive, resilient and sustainable fiscal and economic development growth recovery goal for all… from it currently and the preceding economic downturns as well.

The primary objective of this book is to facilitate critical thinking about the profound effects and influences these three pandemic forces exert on the fiscal and economic well-being of all. A more important goal is to spark the immediate beginning to inclusive pro-growth corrective actions to overcome them. The book focuses attention on the Fierce Urgency of Now for next-generation growth-oriented leadership, policies, programs, tools, techniques, and strategies. New Normals trends are already becoming evident from these fiscal and economic dynamics.

This book is an absolute “must-read” for all of those parties essential to the city’s fiscal and economic development growth, and that of urbanregional communities and economies which also struggle to recover from these triple simultaneous shock waves. The Fierce Urgency of Now is to build an inclusive, resilient and sustainable “fiscal and economic development growth culture” with the capacity to energize tax base redevelopment and recovery of cities and urbanregional communities and economies throughout the nation.

A key role of local economic developers is to serve as a catalytic force in facilitating fiscal, jobs, and economic development growth of the city’s tax base. An additive “all-hands-on-deck economic redevelopment and recovery culture for all” is now essential and should be inclusive of the following: mayors and city council members, county managers and county commissioners, planning and zoning officials, business, labor, education, civic, community development, and faith-based leaders as the supporting cast of “policy-making economic developers”. Their functions are in support of the leadership of their experienced economic development professionals and practitioners.  These unique triple transformative events will make it necessary to employ such New Normal game-changing approaches in innovation and innovativeness throughout recovery efforts.

This book focuses in detail on key influences of these three pandemic-like forces within the context of the city, urbanregional communities, local economic development and the New Normals arising from them.

  • Impacts and Implications for Economic Development Techniques, Technologies, Strategies, and Practices
  • Impacts and Implications for Business Retention, Attraction and Start-Ups and Serial Development
  • Impacts and Implications of the Recovery on State and Local Government Enabled-Tax Incentive Tools
  • New Economic Recovery Triage: Workouts and Turnarounds of Distressed Business and Real Estate Assets
  • New Economic Recovery Workout Glossary: Key Pandemic, Financial, Bankruptcy/Reorganization Terms


Order your copy of one of the dynamic publications of Kenneth Dobson. (Orders can be taken for the book which is to be released and delivered to the purchaser within the next 30 days.)